Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FYLES - 2012-11-28

Susan Penfold from St Vincent De Paul said on ABC:
    It is going to have a major effect on our low income earners. We have a lot of people who use our services and request Power and Water vouchers and rental assistance and we expect that to actually rise with these increases.

Will your mini-budget increase funding for Power and Water vouchers and rental assistance? Will you increase the grace period before you cut off people’s power, and will you allow four agreements to pay each year?

Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nightcliff for her question. Our aim is to assist low income earners in every way we can to get through these difficult times. The Power and Water Corporation has provided an updated website in which people can access information around how they can make water and electricity savings, there is an audit on offer they can do online as to how they can reduce their bills. Organisations such as St Vincent de Paul will be at the coalface of hearing from and helping people who are really finding it difficult to pay these increased tariffs. We will assist these organisations in any way we can to get through these difficult times.

Highlighting the potential pain and suffering these tariff increases are going to bring to Territorians is, obviously, the role of the opposition. They are doing a great job. I just wonder if continuing to create hysteria, worry, and anxiety is the way to go. The message we are getting from people in the community is yes, they understand these price hikes were and are necessary. They understand these hikes are due to the mismanagement of the former government and, in the long run, they will be able to cope and get on top of these bills because they have faith in this government that, in the long run, we will reduce the cost of living …

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! It was St Vincent de Paul, the question was quite specific. I go to relevance here. Will you increase funding in the mini-budget?

Madam SPEAKER: Please be seated. Treasurer, you have the call.

Mrs LAMBLEY: The contents of the mini-budget will be revealed in parliament next Tuesday, 4 December.

However, continuing on what I was saying, we will work with these organisations and assist people who are in need in every way we can. We just hope people can bear with us because, in the long run, this government is committed to lowering the price of rental accommodation in the Northern Territory through land release, increasing the stock of affordable housing by 2000 during our term of government. We have plans afoot to offset these increases.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016