Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FYLES - 2013-05-16

The latest report from the Centre for Disease Control shows there were 841 sexually transmitted infection notifications in just six months in kids aged between 15 and 19. Around 90% of them were Indigenous and two-thirds of them girls. Your budget cuts funding to the Centre for Disease Control by $8m. You are cutting STI treatments at Clinic 34 from $14 000 to $12 000. Why are you cutting funding to prevent young Indigenous girls from contracting STIs?


Madam Speaker, the member for Nightcliff still does not know. This was Commonwealth funding. We did not cut funding to that area at all. As I said, she was a senior advisor to the former minister. What is she up to? She does not even know the area properly. This is your core business and you should know that. This was one-off funding. Talk to your mates in Canberra.

I welcome the question, but this is core business and you need to know that ...

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance, 113. Why are you cutting funding to prevent young Indigenous girls from contracting STIs?

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, you have the call.

Ms ANDERSON: Madam Speaker I just explained to the House we are not cutting the money. This was Commonwealth money and you need to talk to your colleagues in Canberra. This was your core business for 10 years. You mob have done nothing. As I said in the House last night, this member holds a paper on child protection, and reads. You were paid so much money to understand this portfolio. I am appalled at the way you read from a paper. Your core business for 10 years - you have done nothing. We inherited this agency, which was an absolute mess. Out-of-home care up …

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113, since Adam was a boy, has been used to direct the minister to relevance.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, you have the call. The minister is answering the question.

Ms ANDERSON: Madam Speaker, the Chief Minister is a hands-on Chief Minister; he knows OCF after eight-and-a-half months. The former minister was a hands-on minister who knew everything about OCF and comes from a social work background. We have a minister who has been in for four months - a hands-on Chief Minister. We know the core business of OCF, unlike you, who for 10 years did nothing, and do not understand the budget. You have no idea, member for Nightcliff.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016