Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2013-05-15

Budget 2013-14 contains a significant responsible infrastructure investment. Can the minister outline some of those major infrastructure investments and how they will benefit the Territory?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arnhem for her question. We have many major infrastructure investments vital to the growth of the Northern Territory. We had to release a responsible budget due to the legacy of debt: a $5.5bn legacy left to us by the member for Karama’s former government. However, we will continue to cater for all Territorians and I have made responsible decisions for our major infrastructure investments.

We have committed to a $1.2bn infrastructure program, including $560m of capital works. We will continue to strengthen communities through regional development by putting aside $139.6m for remote Indigenous housing capital works and $44.6m for government employee housing for more nurses, teachers and police in remote communities. This is vital spending because without these essential services the communities would struggle.

We are doing everything we can to stop Indigenous disadvantage. The Territory government will also continue to focus on the health of remote communities with nearly $45m for the upgrade and construction of health clinics in remote communities. This includes $25m towards health clinics in Ntaria, Papunya, Elliott, Ngukurr, and Galiwinku, and about $16m towards health clinics at Canteen Creek, Nhulunbuy and Maningrida.

The Territory government will continue to support local tradespeople by increasing the repair and maintenance budget by $40m. Both small- and medium-sized enterprises will benefit. Figures taken from the last Labor Treasurer’s budget reveal that repairs and maintenance was underfunded by $92m in 2012-13. In the 2013-14 budget, a total of $257m has been set aside for repairs and maintenance, which will continue on from the Territory government’s commitment to increase repairs and maintenance expenditure by $100m over the next four years. This is a boost for our local tradies, our small business and our communities. Our assets have to be maintained by increasing the repairs and maintenance spend, something Labor did not do. We are providing support for painters, carpenters, plumbers and their families, while Labor left us with a huge debt …

Mr McCarthy: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance - an old Liberal chestnut. How much is the revote minister?

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order. The minister has the call. Minister you are answering the question.

Mr STYLES: Thank you, Madam Speaker. It is our question and I know I am answering it because I looked at these things. When Labor left us with this huge debt we had to tighten the belt and make responsible decisions. All Territorians deserve to feel safe so the government will continue …

Madam SPEAKER: Minister your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016