Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2015-03-26

Can the minister update the House on the current status of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. I can inform the House of the changes to the way the Territory will tackle cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, or CGMMV. Unfortunately, over the past few weeks we have seen the number of infected properties in the Territory jump from 10 to 21. We have 16 affected properties in Katherine, four in the greater Darwin rural area and another at Anmatjere, which is south of Ti Tree.

At most of these new sites CGMMV has been detected on several species of weeds, including paddy melons and bush tomatoes. With that in mind, the National Management Group has advised that eradication of CGMMV is no longer technically feasible; we will move into a management phase instead. My Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries is working closely with local industry, peak bodies, the Australian government and biosecurity agencies to develop and implement a management plan.

A meeting was held with Katherine growers this morning to nut out a way forward for them. A similar meeting will be held with Darwin growers tomorrow. DPIF will undertake further research to assist our understanding of the virus, ways to control it and methods to prevent the spread of CGMMV. We are also in the process of establishing market protocols which will be vital as growers move forward. It is important to note that there are still growing districts that remain free of CGMMV. Strong farm biosecurity will be critical as we work to contain the virus.

I recently stood in this House to announce an interest rate subsidy scheme for growers doing it tough due to the CGMMV outbreak. Despite the move to management phase, that offer still remains on the table. The Country Liberals government is committed to making the life of growers easier as they deal with this destructive virus. The guidelines around this scheme are currently being finalised and I look forward to making an announcement in the near future.

If members of the opposition – especially the opposition spokesman, the member for Nelson, who has an interest in all things rural – wish to avail themselves of a briefing, we can provide that if they contact my office.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016