Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2012-10-23

Minister, can you give the House some examples of how the former government’s fiscal incompetence and poorly negotiated funding arrangements with the Commonwealth have impacted on the financial sustainability of the health system in the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arnhem for the question. I acknowledge your long-term commitment to health services in the Northern Territory. It is great to have someone from the health sector in the Chamber talking health issues. Well done! I am looking forward to working with you into the future. A very good question too.

I remember throwing barbs at the previous government about Julia Gillard’s puppets and the Chief Minister being nothing but a lapdog for the federal Labor government. A whole range of decisions seemed completely crazy to us. The former government’s support of the carbon tax, the former government’s support of the live cattle ban to Indonesia was so worrying. I always thought there must be some quid pro quo in place for giving that type of support where you see Territorians harmed - we would benefit somewhere along the line. Of course, Labor governments all around the country are known as the great champions of the health system.

I was stunned when I was given this portfolio - I thank the Chief Minister for that decision - to look at the health system and see the state it was in. There are no executive officers in flash offices. There is not the waste we find in other departments. In fact, much of the infrastructure is falling down around the ears of the people in the health system.

We are so fortunate in the Northern Territory to have fantastic people working in the health sector. I do not know how they have done it. They have done it in spite of the previous government not because of it.

We have the worst health outcomes and the highest health needs of all Australians and you would expect that to be reflected in Commonwealth funding coming into the Northern Territory health system. However, although there is a national average of 63% of health budgets being picked up by the Commonwealth, only 43% of the Northern Territory is being collected from the Commonwealth.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Under Abbott as Health minister Territory health funding was slashed. We used to average 60% plus; he slashed it to 40%. Come in spinner, it was Abbott!

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Please be seated.

Mr TOLLNER: Madam Speaker, we have been ripped off by the Commonwealth ...

Madam SPEAKER: Your time has expired.

Mr TOLLNER: ... and by the former government.

Madam SPEAKER: Please be seated. Minister, resume your seat.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016