Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs PRICE - 2012-11-29

Please provide information on progress made over the last years in increasing school outcomes?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Stuart for her question. I know she is passionate about Aboriginal education.

This is the saddest question to get in this House because we are talking about the next two generations of Aboriginal kids. These are the generations that will be around in the Northern Territory when we are long gone.

It is disgraceful to see NAPLAN is still showing these results. I quote:
    The latest NAPLAN results for Year 3 students show that pass rates for reading by Indigenous students in the Northern Territory are 47%; and for numeracy 32%.

That means over half of eight-year-olds cannot do sums and two-thirds cannot read. That is a shame. We should be ashamed, not just as politicians sitting in this House, but as Territorians. You opposite should be ashamed of yourselves. You had 10 years where you stood on this side of the House and bragged about how you were starting to get results.

Yesterday’s hero sitting at the back, your mentor, who does not have a portfolio, who held this portfolio, used to brag …

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! What additional funds will be in the mini-budget for Indigenous education? Cut to the chase!

Madam SPEAKER: Leader of the Opposition, please be seated. Minister, you have the call.

Ms ANDERSON: Thank you, Madam Speaker. It is an insult to have continuous interjections by the Opposition Leader when we are talking about the most vulnerable people in the Northern Territory. As I said, you always have the racist connotations underneath your questions ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! That is grossly offensive and she needs to withdraw.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, please withdraw your comment regarding racism.

Ms ANDERSON: I hope you are offended by that. Madam Speaker, I withdraw it.

We are talking about the most vulnerable kids. There are two generations of Territorians who will be uneducated, unable to equip themselves to live in this society, not just in the Northern Territory but across Australia. You should be ashamed! I am so glad their mothers and fathers voted against you and put you on the other side.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016