Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2015-04-28

In relation to a planning scheme amendment you approved in Bees Creek, local member Kezia Purick said:

    Peter Chandler listened to the people and said no and now, this urban based minister Tollner says it is OK to destroy the rural area.
She told me minister Chandler promised that any new application would need to be readvertised. A private meeting of about six people was held to discuss an amended plan. I quote from the ABC:
    Mr Tollner said he was ‘satisfied with this compromise and invited the applicant to submit a revised rezoning application’.

    The revised application was approved this month.

Why has this amended application not been advertised as promised by your predecessor so nearly 100 objectors could have a say? Does it come as no surprise to you that because of this deceitful planning decision, and because rural residents now see the arrogance and disdain you have for the rules, good governance, the local member and ordinary Territorians, your government is now despised and totally on the nose of the people of Bees Creek?


Mr Deputy Speaker, it is good to get a question from someone on the other side, even if it is my good old mate from Nelson asking something completely unrelated to the budget. One would think that on budget day 2015 there might be at least one question asked of the Treasurer about the budget. But no, it is all very quiet.

Member for Nelson, discussions are still continuing in relation to that block and the subdivision.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016