Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2013-12-05

Alcohol abuse and violence are at crisis levels. Local businesses and residents are very clear: the problem is worse since the Banned Drinker Register was scrapped. Yesterday I met with the transit centre operators. They said the supply of takeaway alcohol to problem drunks is out of control since the Banned Drinker Register was scrapped. You say your policies around alcohol are working in a fantastic way.

You promised to cut crime by 10% a year, every year. Instead, violent assault is up by 11%. You have broken your promises and your alcohol policies are tragic failures. Yesterday you said no to an inquiry into alcohol violence. All the experts say if you are serious about tackling grog-fuelled violence you have to tackle supply of alcohol to problem drunks. When will you get serious and tackle supply of takeaway alcohol to problem drunks?


Madam Speaker, the 10% crime reduction target is interesting. It is a very tough target to meet; however, unlike Labor, we set a target and are trying to achieve a performance outcome. Let me talk about the figures I mentioned in parliament last sittings when I spoke about a 58% reduction in property crime in Palmerston. I am sure the Palmerston members are happy to see property crime go down by 58%. Property crime in Darwin – I just spoke about it – is the lowest on record in the year to September since the CLP was last in government in 2000. It is crazy to ask that question.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. We know you do not answer questions. It is about violent crime increasing. There is a serious problem with takeaway grog; business operators are saying it. Will you address it at all?

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, it is not a point of order. You do not give statements in a point of order. Chief Minister, you have the call.

Mr GILES: You made a point about an inquiry. Let us talk about violent crime and alcohol. When you were in government you were only attacking 25% of the alcohol-fuelled violent crime problem. We are now tackling 100% of the problem and those numbers will keep going up. The difference is you were running inquiries on 25% of alcohol-related domestic violence cases, and we are running inquiries through the police on 100% of cases. Those case numbers will keep going up and the statistics will go up.

If you look at the numbers and type of incidents you will see our alcohol policies are working. We are tackling the problem and sending a clear message that women should not be abused and beaten. We take it seriously.

We had more than 100 in the first quarter referred to mandatory alcohol treatment. Changing people’s lives is a positive effect and we stand by it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016