Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs PRICE - 2012-10-24

Minister, given the massive amounts of money the previous government and the federal government have spent in Aboriginal communities, could you please tell us what improvements you have seen over the last few years and what can be improved?


Madam Speaker, I thank the new member for Stuart, a Warlpiri language speaking woman from the desert, born and bred on Warlpiri country, who identifies with the people, speaks the language, and really understands the huge problem she has in the electorate of Stuart. She does not only travel in her electorate of Stuart, she also comes over to Namatjira and goes into Barkly because that is where many of her family live.

I will update the House. The Chief Minister, the sub-committee and I went on a tour immediately after the election to thank the Aboriginal voters. We went to the Tiwi Islands, Wadeye, Lajamanu, and we also went to Ampilatwatja. Chief Minister, I thank you for being so humble and respectful to Aboriginal people, never standing up or talking down to people, but listening to people. That is something Aboriginal people are still talking about. People really want to start engaging with this government as they have told you and the sub-committee. This government will listen. This government will do things differently.

You are on the opposite side because black people put you over there. You stopped listening to Aboriginal people. You stopped listening, you stopped delivering the appropriate services and what a result to see the member for Karama sitting there as the Opposition Leader first denied by that man sitting over there then denied by Aboriginal people.

Ms WALKER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! In accordance with standing orders, I ask that you direct the minister to direct her comments through the Chair not across the Chamber.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, please direct your comments through the Chair.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016