Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-12-01

The Chief Minister has outlined the gains this government has made in bringing Labor’s crime legacy under control. Can you tell us why the Country Liberal government might be succeeding in this difficult area, which is of particular concern to constituents in my electorate?


Madam Speaker, yes, I can. The answer is quite simple. Unlike Labor, we are not soft on crime. We will not follow the Labor Party standard nailed to their mast today where they will repeal mandatory alcohol treatment, paperless arrests, Alcohol Protection Orders and all the things we have done to make sure Territorians are safer than they have been in a long time.

An 11% fall in the crime rate since August 2012 is something this government is proud of. We have proudly chased down the ice scourge in the community, which members opposite are happy to resist. What did they offer in amendments to the legislation that they blocked earlier this year? They offered nothing. Labor will take action to address the ice epidemic, according to them. How will they do it? By sitting around and saying, ‘That legislation should not pass on urgency’.

Not only have we passed that legislation, and not only will we bring more legislation to this House to protect Territorians, but we have already passed good legislation to protect Territorians. A 9% fall in domestic violence means hundreds of women in our communities, over the last 12 months, have not had their faces bashed in or their bones broken, a result of this government’s actions. We have been strident in our pursuit of domestic violence and the results are coming home.

We have introduced sentencing legislation which makes the workplace a safer place to be. If you get belted up in the workplace, there is a mandatory sentence waiting for the perpetrator who used physical violence against you. Who resisted it and said they would not support it? Labor did. So what will Labor members do? They will get rid of paperless arrests, mandatory alcohol treatment, TBLs and Alcohol Protection Orders. They will get rid of all of that and replace it with the BDR. They will protect Territorians with small computers.

Why was crime so out of control when they were in government? Because they were soft on crime and they thought a piece of licence-scanning equipment could solve all the problems in the world. Well, it did not. They tie up coppers under reams of paperwork when they should be on the street protecting Territorians. They can do so under the legislation which this government has passed and the High Court has said is completely lawful.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016