Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2012-12-04

Can you please describe the action over the last 100 days to improve access by Territorians to affordable housing?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. Unlike the Opposition Leader, the former Treasurer, we have a strategy which is not about getting another credit card; it is a strategy to deal with paying off some of the debt which has been left in the Northern Territory.

To achieve the target to construct around 2000 homes over the next four years in the government’s Real Housing for Growth plan, we have a number of actions already under way. A cross-agency steering group is developing a list of strategies and associated implementation plans to deliver on the government’s commitment to deliver 2000 affordable rental dwellings across the Territory over the next four years under the Real Housing for Growth plan.

The Department of Housing and Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment have collated a list of potential government-owned sites across the Territory suitable for residential development projects. I have reviewed the list and directed the Department of Housing to develop an expression of interest for two sites to be ready before the end of the year. Other sites will follow next year.

I have met with a range of developers to test their appetite for the delivery of dwellings with the support of government through head lease and improved land release arrangements. The developers are all very keen and hungrily awaiting release of the first expressions of interest to deliver new affordable dwellings for rent.

Real Housing for Growth will provide a 30% discount on the median area market rent, providing more affordable rental properties for essential workers. I have a list of units, apartments and townhouses under construction or about to commence that have not yet been marketed by developers.

In the very near future they will be invited to participate in an expression of interest for the market to participate in a long-term head lease arrangement with this government. Correspondence is being forwarded to the Commonwealth Minister for Housing and Homelessness seeking agreement to reallocation of Round 3 National Rental Affordable Schemes - the NRAS incentives - previously allocated for delivery in the Northern Territory to provide funding assistance for up to 10 years to support implementation of the Real Housing for Growth plan.

This is a smart use of both Territory and Australian government funding. The increase in affordable rental properties will support businesses which have struggled in recent times to recruit and retain staff due to the high cost of living, particularly housing affordability.

The first part of the comprehensive housing strategy of this government includes the new HomeBuild Access program. The strategy will stimulate new affordable housing supply, lessen the market pressure for rentals, and keep our kids living and working in the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016