Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2015-03-24

During my recent visits throughout my electorate, I observed the process of repairs to communities. The repairs to housing are taking far too long and are a major concern for those within my electorate as well as surrounding areas, and this worries those affected by Cyclone Nathan. Can you please update the House on what is being done to safely and rapidly complete the repairs for those constituents still without sufficient housing following Cyclone Lam?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arnhem for her question. It is great to hear she has been visiting her electorate and it is good that she has reported back to us on that. My heart goes out to everyone affected by Cyclones Lam and Nathan. It is a scary time for everyone involved and my thoughts are with everyone affected.

I am pleased to advise that staff from the Department of Housing were on the ground within 48 hours of Cyclone Lam hitting. They are continuing to work with those affected and will do the same through Cyclone Nathan. Housing asset managers and tenancy support officers have been on the ground since Cyclone Lam determining accommodation needs and supporting tenants in relocating to alternative accommodation.

Recovery works were well advanced …

Ms Walker: What about tenants who do not have a house?

Mrs PRICE: It is because of your neglect over 11 years that houses are in that state.

On Sunday, just over four weeks after Cyclone Lam, Cyclone Nathan affected Nhulunbuy, Yirrkala, Wanminari, Galiwinku, Gapuwiyak, Milingimbi and Ramingining. A state of emergency was declared for Goulburn Island ahead of Cyclone Nathan’s arrival on Tuesday, with residents of Warruwi evacuated on Monday to Darwin. When the weather improves housing assessment teams will be deployed to all affected communities.

My department continues to work with the Power and Water Corporation, the Department of the Chief Minister and the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services to provide assistance. Further structural assessments of the houses in Galiwinku will be required, and a temporary accommodation shelter will be rebuilt in the coming days to house tenants whose homes are considered uninhabitable and unsafe.

I will now pass this question to the Chief Minister for any further comments or updates regarding Cyclone Nathan.

Mr GILES (Chief Minister): Madam Speaker, for the benefit of the member for Nhulunbuy, in Galiwinku we estimated 76 houses before Cyclone Nathan which needed to be rebuilt as they were beyond economical repair. Those family members are staying in camp Elcho – as they call the tent city there – and we are working with the community to determine its interest in advancing housing construction.

There are two options; one is we can rapidly deploy people to build houses as quickly as possible, the second option is to use local employment teams to construct the houses. We would do this over a four-year cycle so people could gain qualifications in carpentry, or as an electrician …

Ms Walker: Yolgnu are not stupid. They can participate in a fast-track program.

Mr GILES: I am trying to give you an answer.

Ms Walker: Yolngu are very capable people.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016