Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-11-27

Did you know Ken Clarke was on the Energex board, of which Shane Stone is chairman, when you took his advice to hurt and betray Territorians by hiking up power prices? Were you aware of this clear conflict of interest?


Madam Speaker, I do not quite understand the conflict of interest. Mr Clarke was an Under Treasurer under Clare Martin and was also an advisor in the previous Labor government. There is no conflict of interest because the Energex you have referred to is also a government-owned corporation. If he has a position on such a body he has no capacity or authority to be involved in the things you are alleging. Opposition Leader, what you will be unable to conceal for too long is your rank hypocrisy.

The Territory community can see quite plainly what is going on here. You are feeding on anxiety and concern within the community but feeding them with nothing of substance. The reality is, there has to be a fix to the terrible problem, the legacy you have left for Territorians, and time will judge who is providing real leadership here. It is certainly not you.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016