Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs LAMBLEY - 2016-02-10

You would appreciate that good governance and ethical practice is one of the utmost priorities for most of us in this Chamber. The Katherine Times reports that you went on private visits with your partner to Vietnam last year. Can you confirm your partner is Teresa Phan? Can you confirm that this is the Theresa Phan who was employed by the CT Group? I seek leave to table this copy of e-mails between you and Theresa Phan from the CT Group, the very same company you signed a share offer with for almost $600 000 on 30 September last year.

The day before, you took a loan for $650 000 to pay for the CT Group investment. Where is the money now? What have you done with the $650 000 you borrowed? Is it with a third party or parties?

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Araluen, the minister’s private business is his private business ...

Mr Elferink: Absolutely.

Madam SPEAKER: Thank you, Attorney-General. If you could desist from commentary.

However, member for Araluen, parts in regard to the minister’s relationship with businesses that are associated with the Primary Industry portfolio are in order. If you would like to, please reword your question to drop out any private detail and only have information relating to the portfolio area of responsibility.

Mrs LAMBLEY: Can you confirm, minister, that your partner is Theresa Phan who used to work for the CT Group …

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: No, member for Araluen, that is the part that needs to be withdrawn. Sit down, member for Port Darwin.

Mrs LAMBLEY: Madam Speaker, Theresa Phan was employed by the CT Group, which the minister had contact with through his role as the Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries ...

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Port Darwin, sit and wait! One person on their feet at a time. I am listening to the member for Araluen.

Member for Araluen, please continue.

Mrs LAMBLEY: I am asking for the minister to confirm whether his partner is Theresa Phan who worked for the CT Group, who he met through his dealings with the CT Group as the Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries.

Madam SPEAKER: No. I will not allow that. Your question should have been worded differently to extract the information that I know you are seeking. Go to the hub of the question, which is to do with the Primary Industry minister’s portfolio area. Start the clock, please, Mr Clerk.

Mrs LAMBLEY: Can you confirm that Theresa Phan, who was employed by the CT Group, was your partner when you visited Vietnam on private visits last year? I seek leave to table this copy of e-mails between you and Theresa Phan from the CT Group, the very same company you signed a share offer with for almost $600 000 on 30 September last year. The day before, you took out a loan for $650 000 to pay for the CT Group investment. Where is the money now? What have you done with the $650 000 you borrowed? Is it with a third party or parties?

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Araluen, that last part of the question is out of order. The question is if leave is granted to table the document.

Leave granted.

Madam SPEAKER: The only part of the question I will allow is in regard to whether a particular person was employed by a particular company associated with the Primary Industry portfolio.


Yes, she was. Also, she is my current partner and we are in love.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016