Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2015-12-01

On 6 March this year, Ted Dunstan, your candidate for Nightcliff, was quoted in the NT News as saying:
    The best I can come up with is that Adam Giles should offer his head. But I fear it is even too late for his resignation.

On 26 September this year in the NT News, Ted Dunstan said:
    I really have to assert that Adam himself is the problem. Replace him. Forget frequent changes. If leaders fail, they must go …

On the weekend Ted Dunstan was named by the CLP as the candidate for Nightcliff.

Can you please confirm whether the wrong name was accidentally read out on the weekend, if this is a poor attempt at humour by the CLP - with you as the butt of the joke – or if there is so little respect for your leadership within the CLP that your fiercest critics receive the most support?

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 109(2)(e); clearly this question is designed to insult and nothing more. Therefore, it should be ruled out of order accordingly.

Madam SPEAKER: No, it is not insulting. He is stating facts and reading things from the newspaper.


Madam Speaker, he missed a date. On 29 November Ted Dunstan said to me after pre-selection, ‘Let’s get rid of Michael Gunner. He has nothing.’
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016