Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2015-08-27

What is your secret plan for Territorians and parliament? Does anyone in your government know your plans? Why do you continue to treat the people of the Northern Territory with such arrogance and contempt? Chief Minister, please inform Territorians of your secret plan.


Madam Speaker, I will tell everybody how we have reduced the price of petrol in the Northern Territory.

Mr Gunner: It is hardly a secret.

Mr GILES: The Leader of the Opposition just said it is hardly a secret. He knows, just like everybody else, we have been able to reduce fuel to a $1.27 a litre on Bagot Road. We could talk about the biggest land release the Territory has ever seen with 6500 blocks over 10 years, driving down the cost of housing in the Northern Territory to levels not seen during Labor’s time in government. A 10% to 20% decline, making sure supply meets demand.

We could release the cat out of the bag on the lowest level of unemployment in the country, which is 4.2%. It is a great secret. We could talk about how under Labor over eleven-and-a-half years, assault rates went up by 80% and they are now at the lowest levels since the 1990s. We could let that cat out of the bag. We could talk about how alcohol consumption is at the lowest rate in the Northern Territory since the 1990s as well. That is a bit of a secret. Where do I stop?

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. Yesterday you referred to having a secret plan if the chaos of the parliament was to continue. What is the secret plan? It is a very direct question.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Nightcliff, sit down. It is not a point of order.

Mr GILES: I did not say there was a secret plan. That is what has been reported. I was asked if there was a backup plan. Yes, there is. We will tell everyone the good news about all the good things we have done. It is as simple as that.

I could talk about the little known fact that when we came to government there was a $5.5bn Labor debt and we have more than halved it. I could talk about the $1.3bn deficit we got rid of.

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. It goes to the Chief Minister’s secret plan; he said:
    I’ll put that plan into place if I need to.

What is your secret plan? You told journalists you have one and you will put it in place if you need to.

Madam SPEAKER: Sit down, Leader of the Opposition. It is not a point of order. The Chief Minister has time to answer the question.

Mr GILES: I am telling you exactly what it is. I am talking about your failures and how we have been successful. One of the secrets would be exposing your level of incompetence as an opposition. It could be highlighting the failures of the member for Karama, the only person in this Chamber found to be in trouble with the court system. I could talk about the fraudulent nature of the Stella Maris deal by the member for Barkly. That could be part of a secret plan as well.

There are many things we could talk about, but, most importantly, we will talk about how when you were in government you failed on a multitude of levels, and since we have been in government we have fixed your failures and advanced upon them.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016