Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2012-11-27

In his previous answer, the Minister for Infrastructure stated the former Labor government may have ignored environmental advice relating to the quarantine incinerator emissions. Are you aware if the emissions from the quarantine incinerator facility at East Arm Wharf were dangerous to human health? Can you also advise how long this has been the case?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Daly for his important question which exposes the rank hypocrisy of the former Labor government. As the member for Braitling quite correctly stated, winning the support of those who have environmental sensitivities, this once great Labor Party apparently was happy to sacrifice in the interests of its short-term political interests.

The quarantine incinerator emissions demonstrate Labor’s poor regard for sound administration. Not only did they fail to act on advice, but they failed to safeguard the environment for the benefit of all Territorians. The incinerator burnt, among other materials, plastics, which has resulted in dioxin emissions. Any of our environmentalists - I am sure the member for Casuarina would be a full bottle on this, dioxins are a toxic substance and the accepted emission standard is 0.1 for a nanogram of toxic equivalence per cubic metre.

Test results from the East Arm incinerator over the years 2006 to 2012 range from 0.0043 nanograms of toxic equivalence per cubic metre right up to 3.1 of toxic equivalence per cubic metre. The most recent test result returned a reading of 0.71 nanograms of toxic equivalence per cubic metre. In other words, environmental test results show this incinerator needed to be shut down and a new environmentally acceptable and quarantine-improved facility and process be put in place.

As we found upon gaining office, Labor did neither and that is, frankly, an outrage. This 0.1 guideline relates to a concentration at the time of testing, not the total quantity discharged over time, nor does it relate to the ground-level concentration where impact may occur.

While I do not wish to raise the concerns of Territorians into possible environmental or health implications, I find it abhorrent that, even when presented with test results showing dioxin levels at times exceeded the guidelines, the previous government did nothing.

In contrast, since assuming office we have shut down that incinerator. My government will enter into discussions with all affected parties and we will soon have in place an environmentally sound long-term quarantine waste process which satisfies all requirements. Why? Because it is the right thing to do.
In addition, a full environmental audit will be conducted under the direction of the Environment Protection Authority on the land and water surrounding the incinerator site. In contrast to the previous Labor government, which was incapable of making the right decisions, my government will always make decisions in the best interests of Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016