Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2014-02-19

Can you provide the House with some insight on the early successes of the alcohol mandatory treatment scheme?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Daly for his question. The alcohol mandatory treatment system is making a difference to the people of the Daly and in the lives of people across the Northern Territory. On the last count of the figures released, which was at the end of December, we had over 100 people go through alcohol mandatory treatment in just over seven months. The numbers would have climbed to perhaps as many as 200, but we are waiting for those stats to come through.

This program is changing the lives of people affected by chronic alcoholism. No strategy around alcohol has ever managed this before. We have tried to turn off the tap; the BDR failed; there were all sorts of strategies in place. However, this is changing and improving the lives of the most disadvantaged alcohol-affected people in our community. For that, we on this side of the Chamber are enormously proud. We make no apologies for how we have gone about this. We did it quickly because we promised the people of the Northern Territory we would roll out alcohol mandatory treatment as soon as possible. We did and it has been under way for just over seven months.

How have we changed people’s lives? For the first time in a long time, most people going through alcohol mandatory treatment are getting health services. Their health needs are particularly high. They suffer from a range of chronic diseases and infections, and they have neglected themselves physically and mentally for many years. Being a part of the alcohol mandatory treatment system means they get full medical attention for that 12-week period. For 12 weeks they will experience what it is like to feel reasonably good and healthy.

Who on earth can say that is a failure? We have our critics; they are lining up on the media, battling to have voices heard, but no one could dispute the fact our alcohol mandatory treatment system is improving the health of these people. It is providing them with social re-engagement. These people have been disengaged from their families and communities for many years. We are hearing stories of years – some families had thought they were deceased.

No one can convince me our alcohol mandatory treatment is doing nothing. It is improving the lives of our most disadvantaged, and we are very proud.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016