Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms WALKER - 2015-11-17

On 18 February 2009, as a member of the opposition at that time, in this place you said:
    When does the government become responsible for government in the Northern Territory? Surely, if the CEO was actually and actively engaged in misleading the minister or withholding information from the minister, he would have been fired; but he was not. He remains in place now. What does that tell you? It tells you that the CEO of the department, in every likelihood, did nothing wrong but, nevertheless, there was the option: hold up the CEO of the department to be a human shield.

Have you not made Ken Middlebrook your human shield? Will you now admit that you have failed and lied to the people of the Northern Territory, amongst your many failures as the minister for Corrections?

Madam Speaker, I move that so much of standing orders be suspended …

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I would like an opportunity to answer the question.

Madam SPEAKER: No, sit down. The member is continuing.
Move Proposed Motion of Censure

Ms WALKER (Nhulunbuy): Madam Speaker, I move that so much of standing orders be suspended as would prevent this House censuring the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, and minister for Corrections, for his gross incompetence in handling the corrections and justice system of the Northern Territory.

This incompetence has led to the Territory public being placed at risk from escaping prisoners, and created a sense of loss of personal confidence by Territorians in their safety and security. Further, his incompetence has resulted in ongoing disruption and disorder in the juvenile justice system. This House calls on the minister to resign his portfolios.

Madam Speaker, we have the motion signed and ready to circulate.

Madam SPEAKER: Does the government accept the motion?

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Yes, Madam Speaker. I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016