Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2014-05-08

The Country Liberals government is increasing the supply of affordable housing for all Territorians, including those living in Central Australia. Can you please explain to the House how this government is looking after families in Central Australia and ensuring they can purchase their dream homes?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Barkly for his question - I beg your pardon - I wish the member for Barkly would ask a question on Central Australia, we are yet to see that. I thank the member for Daly for his question because it focuses on policy and an important part of this government’s agenda. It is about growing the Northern Territory and investing in Central Australia. Unlike Labor, we are not neglecting Central Australia. There was 11 years of neglect by the previous government, and we know it all too well, especially those of us who were there during the 11 long years of Labor government. What is deeply disturbing, if 11 long years of Labor neglect of Central Australia was not enough, is that the architect of neglect is now the shadow minister for Central Australia, of which I am …

Mr Vowles: Are you providing more housing or selling it off?
    Mr CONLAN: I have not seen her in Central Australia for a long time. I am not sure of the last time you were there, but it goes to the heart of your attitude to Central Australia. I thank the member for Daly for his very good and interesting question about what is happening in Central Australia, particularly in the Housing portfolio. I will talk about Elliott Street and the John Gorey Apartments …

    Mr McCarthy: Did you get my letter about Anzac oval?

    Madam SPEAKER: Member for Barkly!

    Mr CONLAN: You do not care about Central Australia, member for Barkly. You were dumped from the Central Australia portfolio. It was handed to the architect of 11 years of neglect, the member for Karama, and yet she has failed to stand up and ask a question about Central Australia.
      I will proudly talk about Central Australia because of what this government is doing, especially in the area of Housing. Let us talk about John Gorey Apartments. On Saturday, a ballot was held for approved homebuyers to purchase one of 10 newly furbished John Gorey Apartments on Elliott Street, in the fantastic electorate of Braitling in Central Australia.
        These apartments are priced in the affordable range of $250 000 to $265 000. It is a fantastic opportunity for families and Alice Springs residents to break into the property market. We now have seven fully approved applicants and one pending for the Elliott Street homebuyer ballot.
          These applications follow two successful free information sessions about the redeveloped apartments in February, which were attended by around 60 people.

          It is a fantastic initiative and it is providing wonderful homebuyer opportunities for those people in Central Australia, after 11 years of neglect. I know you do not like good news, but this is a fantastic story. We are focused on policy and developing Central Australia, and providing great governance and leadership for the people of the Northern Territory. If you do not like it, that is fine. This is your forum to carp, whinge and moan and do everything you do so well. You are a wonderful opposition and I wish you a long reign in opposition for many years to come.
          Last updated: 09 Aug 2016