Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MOSS - 2015-02-24

The member for Araluen said:
    I have no faith in a government led by Adam Giles. I have stated publicly I believe Adam Giles has no integrity. I stand by that statement. That alone is enough to mean he should not hold a position of community leadership.

When a member of the CLP parliamentary wing says you have no integrity and should not hold a position of community leadership, how can you continue to ignore calls for your resignation?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Casuarina for her question. I continue to deny calls because we are doing the job and rolling out our plan for the Northern Territory.

Our northern Australia plan to deliver jobs for the future of the Northern Territory is delivering outcomes. Look at the last week, at our ability to respond to the tragic circumstances of ex-Tropical Cyclone Lam, which provided devastating outcomes for communities across the Territory.

The Minister for Education spoke about his visit yesterday to Milingimbi, Ramingining and Galiwinku, visiting those schools. He spoke about the devastation he saw there and the response required. That is how we are responding from a Territory point of view, making sure we meet the needs of those communities.

We have a plan for the future of the Northern Territory through developing northern Australia and we are building jobs like never before. We have the strongest performing economy in the nation, and the lowest alcohol consumption and crime statistics since the 1990s. We are driving down the Labor debt we inherited when we came to government two-and-a-half years ago.

We are driving down Labor deficit, there is high job growth across the Northern Territory, we are rolling out infrastructure, driving down the price of fuel and units in the Northern Territory, and we are giving out sports vouchers and Back to School vouchers which help out mums and dads. These things matter to people.

This is what we are delivering in the Northern Territory. I go back to the point one of my colleagues made last week; give me two-and-a-half years of CLP dysfunction versus eleven-and-a-half years of Labor function any day.

What did we get out of eleven-and-a-half years of Labor? We got high debt and deficit, low job growth, high crime, high alcohol consumption and high domestic violence. Everything is being turned around since we came to government.

You left us with higher fuel prices, the highest housing prices, a housing shortfall and lack of infrastructure investment. These are the things you left us, which we are turning around. We have a plan on how to fix it and we will continue to deliver and overcome hurdles and obstacles along the way.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016