Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-12-04

You promised to be accountable and transparent. Why have you refused to allow the opposition to ask questions on your mini-budget in parliament today after the mini-budget is handed down at 11 am? Why did you deny our request to move Question Time to after the lunch break to ensure, on behalf of Territorians, the opposition had the opportunity to ask questions on the mini-budget? What are you trying to hide?


There is absolutely nothing hidden, Opposition Leader. I thank you for your question which, effectively, is some kind of stunt. You have the parliament. You have the opportunity to assess the mini-budget. You have plenty of opportunity. You have availed yourself of those opportunities with a bit of information to make much of it, soon you will have a lot of information and you have plenty of opportunity for full scrutiny. In fact, you have a reply tomorrow. I thought it would be quite fitting for you to be given greater opportunity to properly assess the mini-budget so you are in a better position to prosecute.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016