Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2015-08-26

Once again, there have been a number of car accidents on the Stuart Highway outside the United service station at Coolalinga. These occurred on the weekend and last week. Some years ago, your department exhibited plans for upgrading that intersection and still nothing has happened, even though we have so much development on the northern side of Coolalinga, as the Kmart/Coles development is occurring.

Can you tell us when the intersection will be upgraded, and why nothing has happened so far? Surely the government must do something now before someone is killed or injured, which has happened already at that intersection.


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for the question. It is good to see some development in the rural area around Coolalinga.

The department has completed a preliminary planning study, investigating traffic management works to improve road safety on the highway and provide accessibility to the existing businesses and future land developments in the area. The scope of the works has been identified and the preliminary concept design has been prepared.

This concept design is subject to wider consultation with the stakeholders in the area, which is important. The proposed scope of the project suggests the following traffic management works: close the median opening in front of United fuel, which will help to remove ongoing road safety issues at this access point; construct a new signalised intersection on the Stuart Highway, approximately 250 m north of the United fuel station; and extend the service roads to connect them with the new intersection.

These access arrangements will provide efficient access to the existing businesses and future developments in the area. They will also rationalise existing access to the north-west of the business precinct. Consultation will occur with stakeholders including existing businesses, the Litchfield Council and the Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment. According to a five-year crash history, from 2010-14 there were four reported crashes at the United fuel station. Out of these four crashes, two caused injury. The proposed signalised intersection is important to provide efficient access to the proposed shopping centre and alleviate traffic congestion on the Stuart Highway/Girraween Road intersection.

The department liaised closely with the Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment during the concept plans. Early works suggest it will cost about $6m to complete the job. There will be some up-and-coming consultation in the area, especially with landholders as well as businesses in the area. At this stage it is likely the department will submit a capital works bid in the 2016-17 budget.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016