Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2014-08-26

Can you please update the Assembly on the news just announced by Santos and ConocoPhillips about exciting new gas opportunities for the Territory in the Browse Basin? What might these developments mean for our economy and job creation into the future?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Daly for his question. I was just reminded by the Attorney-General that the Parliamentary Secretary for Northern Australia Development is asking a question about Territorians and jobs for the future. That is what it is about. He has a close eye on the news occurring around Australia in this sector.

It was great to see NT Resources Week in the Territory last week, especially SEAAOC, Minerals Week and the Building the Territory Conference, which more than 1000 people attended.

In the Browse Basin, ConocoPhillips has some exciting deposits, as does Santos. Last week, Santos announced findings from its next well in Lasseter, which is identified as having significant gas opportunities.

I have been working with Santos and ConocoPhillips for the past 18 months, asking those two companies if they can work towards the aggregation or unitisation of their fields and not go to Western Australia, but instead come towards Darwin for either a greenfield or brownfield opportunity. So far to date, we have heard very positive commentary from ConocoPhillips and Santos.

I am mindful that beyond the INPEX construction of a second gas train at the start of 2017, we need to ensure we have continuity of economic opportunity, business excellence and jobs for Territorians. Seeing the work from Santos and Conoco is exciting. I am travelling to Singapore soon to meet with both companies at their offshore headquarters, trying to ensure an opportunity around unitisation and economic opportunities into the future.

I was also interested to read an article in the Australian Financial Review today, where the minister, Senator Ian Macfarlane, was talking about the Country Liberals dream of building a pipeline between the Northern Territory and the eastern seaboard of Australia to provide an opportunity of domestic gas supply, as well as offshore or international gas supply and working towards onshore gas development.

I am not using this map for graphic purposes, but this is the pathway we are looking at for building that pipeline between Alice Springs and Moomba. It is estimated to cost about $1.2bn, and be just over 1000 km depending on the pathway taken. It presents an opportunity for economic gain into the future.

We can move gas from Browse Basin into the eastern seaboard and into the Territory. We can use swap gas and many other molecular swap structures. This means there is a strong economic pathway for Territorians into the future ...

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016