Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms ANDERSON - 2014-02-12

Could you please outline for the Assembly some of the important investments made by the Country Liberal government in Central Australia. How does this commitment compare to the treatment of Central Australia under the former Labor government?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Namatjira for her question. I really appreciate it. It sounds like the Alice Springs Town Councillor Chansey Paech slanging things around at the way they pass comment. But there is no doubt, a couple of years ago with Labor, and for many years before, Central Australia was treated with disrespect. As a member from Central Australia, you know exactly how it was treated.

Two years ago, I described it as a war zone. The crime and outrage in our community – it was in dire straits, with national and international media about the crime. Go to Alice Springs now and it is a peaceful, tranquil community; it is a normal community.

Yes there are still elements of crime. There is crime in all areas of society around the world, but the situation now compared to what it was is out of sight. It is a great place to be once again.

Mr McCarthy: When is the last time you were there? Do you not live in Darwin now, mate?

Mr GILES: I was there a few days ago.

Look at what has happened since we came to government. I was talking to the Minister for Tourism before about Tigerair, which, in coming back into Central Australia, has already seen an 18.3% growth in tourist numbers - 1500 bums in seats on aeroplanes, coming back into Alice Springs, supporting the tourism industry. It has gone from 292 900 passengers to 346 600 passengers, already an amazing turnaround in our economy.

Just being in Central Australia on the weekend, seeing the opening of Anzac Oval and the reopening of the refurbished youth centre the week before – there is a vibrancy in town which has not been there before, and we are driving the economy and community sentiment right across the Territory.

Let us look at crime in Central Australia. In the year to November, property offences were down 23%. Property damage - I know the members of Central Australia want to hear this - was down 29%, commercial break-ins dropped 30%, motor vehicle theft was cut by 30%, house break-ins were down 18%, and sexual assaults down 16%. We are spending …

Ms Walker: What about alcohol-related presentations to A&E?

Mr GILES: Let us talk about alcohol. Pure alcohol sales have cut by 7% in Alice Springs since we got rid of the BDR. Now read that statistic.

Do you want to know more about alcohol? The BDR was not all that it was supposed to be. Since we got rid of it, pure alcohol sales right across the Northern Territory have gone down, Alice Springs by more than 7%.

Ms Walker: What were the A&E statistics?

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Nhulunbuy!

Mr GILES: We have Joe Pesci sitting here, the member for Nhulunbuy, completely irate all the time. She cannot control her anger. I have seen that advertisement on television.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 62: offensive. Ask him to withdraw the comment about the member for Nhulunbuy.

Madam SPEAKER: Please pause. Member for Nhulunbuy, do you find that offensive?

Ms WALKER: Yes, Madam Speaker, I find the comparison offensive.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, you could withdraw please.

Mr GILES: Thank you, Madam Speaker, and I will finish this answer in another question. I withdraw.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016