Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2013-05-14

After 11 years of Labor the Territory economy needs significant investment by government. What are the major parts of the economy that were the focus of your attention when framing the budget?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arnhem for her question. You are right, member for Arnhem, we had more than a decade of Labor government and debt. Now we have to kick-start our economy and get it moving again. Guess what? The cupboard is bare.

Today is a very uncomfortable day for the Leader of the Opposition because her legacy is laid bare for all Territorians to see. It is a shameful day for the Leader of the Opposition. She is constantly interjecting and trying to steal the show because it is all about cover up. Today’s budget speech will lay bare the mismanagement and waste of the former Treasurer.

On this side of the House we are keen to see the economy continue to grow, and we will drive economic development in the Northern Territory into the future. We are not about a one-business economy. I pay tribute to the member for Blain and his policy announcements of the three-hub economy, because we are keen to grow agriculture, mining and tourism, and to see these things happen in the Northern Territory.

Growing the regions is important for the Northern Territory because, ultimately, Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine, Tennant Creek, and Alice Springs are service centres for the regions. Growing economic development in the regions, allowing business to establish private enterprise and employ people impacts positively on all those regional centres including the capital of Darwin.

We are pouring money into overseas marketing for tourism. We are putting money into developing small business and training Territorians to meet the job demand that will come in the future. The Chief Minister has announced an economic development advisory panel which will help guide this. We have experts in the areas of macroeconomics, financial investment and industry engagement.

We are a government committed to growing the economy and assisting small- and medium-size businesses. We are about cutting red tape, slashing waste and making government services more efficient.

Overlaying all this, we have to work on the debt legacy left to us by the former government. I sit up at night asking why. It is just not on. What a shameful effort the previous government …

Madam SPEAKER: Your time has expired, Treasurer.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016