Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-11-29

This is the flyer you were handing out in front of public sector workplaces in the days before the Territory election which clearly says, ‘Your job is safe’. Will you be handing them out next Wednesday after your mini-budget, or is this just another torn up commitment?


You are not asking, former Treasurer, ‘How on earth will you manage that terrible debt burden I have left you?’ You do not want to go anywhere near that. You do not want to talk about the renewal management report. You do not want to talk about the issues.

You are directly responsible for a serious situation which a serious government is setting to work to fix.

Ms Lawrie: Not at all. It is your con job.

Mr MILLS: Extraordinary! As I said in response to the first question from the Leader of the Opposition who is finding it difficult, perhaps, to hear or chooses not to grasp, we and I have said - and it is clear - that no public servant earning under $110 000 a year would be dismissed. I have made the clarification with regard to contract positions. A contract is a contract. You have a contract with the people. We have a contract with the people. Contracts are contracts; this is different. I honour that promise.

The fact is - and you know full well - the fiscal position has been so seriously compromised that this is the underlying reality which we cannot turn away from. You choose to blithely ignore it and run your political smear and scare campaign irresponsibly.

You can garner some political point scoring at this time but Territorians will know the truth. In their gut they know the truth. They know they have a serious government which has the best interest of the Territory at heart.

We are dealing with the dreadful inefficiencies and appalling level of support you provided, and the legacy you have left for the Northern Territory. It is disgraceful! You know exactly the nature of the problem you have left us to deal with. They are not easy matters to deal with, but we deal with them because of our love and commitment for the Northern Territory. These are difficult decisions but we will do it.

You know quite well some senior executives were dismissed. That was plainly presented and explained, and was in compliance with the position which was put before the Territory community.

I wonder whether you will raise the ire, this genuine concern you have about the security of public servant positions, with Julia Gillard about the operation which is being conducted in Canberra. Are you so outraged at what is happening with your own colleagues in other places? Are you so outraged with what is happening here, but you would not reflect on your colleagues? I doubt it! You do not have the courage.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016