Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CONLAN - 2015-08-25

As we know the Country Liberals government has been working hard since being elected in 2012 to bring a new international economy to the Territory. We saw as recently as Sunday Territory Labor’s opposition to Chinese investment in the Northern Territory. It is a real shame that Territory Labor does not support Chinese investment.

What threat to our international investment does Territory Labor’s opposition represent?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Greatorex for his question. This is a serious threat. The Labor Party and the unions have embarked on a campaign of fear and loathing towards Chinese. I am stunned at what they are talking about. The joint union and ALP attack on Asian engagement strategies are demonstrated by the member for Karama, who was front and centre on social media with the unions saying, ‘We are union and we are proud. Stop Abbott giving away Australian jobs in the China free trade agreement.’ Sadly, I do not think they have read it.

The message from the Labor Party and the unions to Australia is, ‘Do no let Chinese take jobs from our kids’. What jobs? We are looking to generate jobs in the Northern Territory. Given the mess the Labor Party left, we need to create economic development. In Darwin we have an unemployment rate of less than 1%, so you cannot find people to fill jobs.

If you attack the Chinese and create this yellow peril fear, as you are trying to do, this will affect what happens in the investment part of the Northern Territory. This is about jobs. You need investment to create jobs. It is economics 101. Sadly, they do not understand that, as evidenced by the mess they left the Territory in when we came into government.

In three years the Giles government has managed to turn it around. All the economic indicators show we are leading the country in four out of the six economic objectives every government seeks to achieve.

Let us look at their side. In the middle of Mark Latham’s book he talks about getting people from overseas to fill jobs we cannot fill.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. It was a direct question, not a book review.

Mr STYLES: That is a classic example of how ignorant the other side is. ‘This is not about a book review.’ You are right; this is about the Northern Territory. This is about jobs for our kids, grandkids and those who come after. You want to read some of your own members’ books and what they say about direct foreign investment. This country was built on foreign investment and joint ventures from overseas. Read your history books.

You are a school teacher, member for Nightcliff. You should understand this because, hopefully, you were teaching people in schools about this very issue. I have kids and grandkids, and I am sure most of you on the other side have kids. What will they do for a job?

Since my last trip to China there have been eight delegations here, and the first question they ask is, ‘What about the Labor Party and the free trade agreement?’ This goes wider than China. This goes to Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. All of these people will question investment in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016