Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MOSS - 2016-03-16

Community members using my meeting room are telling me they are now scared of the antisocial behaviour that occurs outside. Deaf NT representative, Ms Betty Franklin, spoke about the large pool of blood she saw when she was coming into the office. She also said their Auslan teacher has been grabbed. She said the teacher was very concerned and has called for the government to put in controls to allow antisocial behaviour to be controlled.

Police tell me you have reduced the number of police in Casuarina by 10%, cut the Police beat, absorbed it into general duties and moved it from Casuarina, and shut the police shopfront at Casuarina Square.

What do you say to community members scared of going about their daily lives when you have reduced police numbers which could help this situation?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Casuarina. That is a terrible story from Deaf NT. I am keen to chat with them to hear their concerns and find out what happened. I will have my office set up a meeting soon, possibly next week, to hear their fears. I am happy to chat with you in your electorate office to see how that can happen.

The claim that police numbers at Casuarina are decreasing is not correct. Police numbers have been increasing ...

Members interjecting.

Mr GILES: This is a serious issue about Deaf NT and its concern. We need to have respect and hear the answer rather than scream across the Chamber, member for Nightcliff.

Member for Casuarina, I will take that issue on board. I am happy to have a meeting and that you are there. I will bring police representatives along and we can explain what is happening in Casuarina.

Crime is down in Casuarina. I know there is noise and hustle and bustle, but crime is down. There will always be victims of crime and that is a terrible situation to be in. Seeing blood at the front of an office is not nice in any part of the Territory or Australia. I understand the issue.

I have a question. It would be good to know how many times you have called police and raised a concern when you have seen antisocial behaviour or crime. If you could let me know, member for Casuarina, how many times you have rung police and made a complaint, I will find out the response times in the situations so we can understand that. I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

If any member of the Labor Party would be so kind as to let me know when and where you have called police I will investigate the incidents and follow them up. I will follow up with you and Deaf NT to find out exactly what has happened.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016