Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-03-24

Can the minister please update the House on any progress in regard to crocodile safari hunting in the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. It was interesting to see some recent media reports that indicate crocodile safari hunting may be back on the federal government’s agenda.

The Country Liberals government recognises that crocodile safari hunting could offer a unique opportunity to attract great interest from across the globe. We have recognised this for a long time. It may have been the brainchild of the previous CLP government; it might go back as far as 30 years ago that we were talking about crocodile safari hunting.

This initiative would provide a valuable source of income for NT Indigenous communities while offering long-term sustainable employment in those communities. We believe it is a legitimate form of sustainable use, with the potential to offer conversation benefits to the species while providing a source of income to Indigenous landholders. The good news about this initiative is that our conversations with Territorians have informed us that they overwhelmingly support this initiative, as long as appropriate animal welfare requirements are met.

The Management Program for the Saltwater Crocodile in the Northern Territory of Australia is currently being reviewed, and a new plan is being developed for 2016-20. That is the normal process of review which the Northern Territory government goes through for the management of crocodiles. The review is being undertaken by a working group convened by the Department of Business, including other responsible government agencies such as Land Resource Management, Primary Industry and Fisheries, and Parks and Wildlife.

The draft management plan will include provision for crocodile safari hunting. Ultimately, the federal government Minister for the Environment is responsible for approving the management program. I am committed to working with the federal minister to advocate the Country Liberal Party’s position on this important issue for the Territory. Given recent reports, I am optimistic that the federal minister will make a fair assessment and decision about this initiative. We hope grant approval will be included in the management program.

I look forward to advancing this issue to a point of resolution and gaining the support of the federal government. I look forward to updating the House on this further in the future, but also on other initiatives this government has created for promoting economic development across Indigenous lands for the benefit of Indigenous people and all Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016