Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-04-29

Could you please update the House on how the 2015-16 budget has been received by the Territory’s community and business leaders?


Mr Deputy Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her very good question. There has been widespread endorsement of yesterday’s budget. The lack of endorsement is only from the members opposite who cannot read budget papers and do not understand that the $1.12bn investment in education is the largest in the history of the Northern Territory.

Getting back to the member for Drysdale’s question, there has been widespread support from the business community. It has noticed that this budget has a number of aims. We aim to reduce the massive level of debt Labor left us, protect and improve vital public service jobs and make sure long-term investments are made to strengthen and diversify our economy. I am pleased to say that many Territorians and peak business organisations share the same view.

The Moody’s credit rating agency has responded by recognising we are on track to deliver a balanced budget by 2017-18. Its report today notes that even without the privatisation of TIO we are still making significant progress in tackling Labor’s budget mess.

Closer to home the Chamber of Commerce has applauded the budget. CEO Greg Bicknell said this year’s budget contains several measures welcomed by the business community. The Master Builders Association of the NT has welcomed the budget. MBA Executive Director Dave Malone said the budget will provide significant encouragement to commercial contacting businesses across the NT.

The commitment of government to infrastructure is definitely welcome and needed. The Property Council of Australia has also endorsed our plans. NT Director, Ruth Palmer, who many on the other side know, welcomed our investment in infrastructure. She said, ‘It is great to see the NTG investing $45.5m in a land release program which aims to deliver 6500 homes over ten years’.

Tourism Central Australia has described the sealing of the Mereenie inner loop as very welcome news. Our investment in the Darwin Waterfront has been hailed by Trevor Cox, General Manager of Tourism Top End, as fantastic news.

There is plenty more. These people are entirely right and I thank them for supporting the NT and this budget.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016