Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VOWLES - 2012-10-31

On the Thursday before the election, on a nationally televised debate, the Chief Minister guaranteed that no public servants would lose their jobs. Through our Job Watch site, we have been advised that 20 Territorians’ jobs have been axed, either through redundancy or temporary contracts being ceased in Tourism NT. Can you confirm that this number is correct? If so, where have those positions been lost and what are you doing to fill these gaps? Why have you changed your priorities from people to profits?


Madam Speaker, how about three cheers for the shadow minister for Tourism for asking his first question? Hip, hip, hooray; hip, hip, hooray; hip, hip, hooray! Well done, Ken, member for Johnston. Congratulations!

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Greatorex, that was uncalled for. Just answer the question, please.

Mr CONLAN: Okay, Madam Speaker. I thought it was worth celebrating, but I take your advice. It is great to see the member for Johnston is showing some interest ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! We just saw the minister for Tourism celebrating that 20 Territorians have been sacked. You are a disgrace, Bungles.

Madam SPEAKER: Leader of the Opposition, please be seated. Minister, you have the call.

Mr CONLAN: Thank you, Madam Speaker. Actually, we are celebrating the silent member for Johnston finally asking his first question on a very important issue and a very important industry - something he has shown no interest in up until today. His very first question on Day 5 of parliament - do you think you can keep up, Ken? We have a fairly major sports announcement ...

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Greatorex, please refer to the member by his electorate.

Mr CONLAN: Member for Johnston, I hope you can keep up. We are moving pretty quick, I know. We had a major sports announcement surrounding the Arafura Games today, the feigned indignation from the Leader of the Opposition, and disparaging comments towards other regional or remote parts of the Northern Territory she does not care about. We all know that. You all do not really care about it, and you are showing very little interest in tourism. I believe it was worth celebrating and offering you some encouragement. I hope you will continue to show some interest in tourism and, indeed, sport. I know it might be a bit hard for you to keep up; I hope you can. We will go slowly for you ...

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113, Relevance.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, if you could get to the point of the question?

Mr CONLAN: Madam Speaker, it was a commitment by this government that no one earning under $110 000 would lose their job. Much to the pain and indignation of the member for Johnston, no one will be sacked; no one will be forced to move. The Country Liberals do not plan on eating those people’s children ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Can the Minister for Tourism confirm that of the 20 people sacked, none were earning under $110 000? Go and check the data.

Madam SPEAKER: Leader of the Opposition, please be seated. There is no point of order.

Mr CONLAN: As I said, it was a commitment by this government that no one earning under $110 000 would lose their job; no one will be forced to move to Alice Springs; there will be no forced relocations; and those people who are moving to Alice Springs will be encouraged to move to Alice Springs. If people do not want to move to Alice Springs they do not have to. We are an open and accountable government and what we are doing with tourism is in the best interests of the tourism industry and of the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016