Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2015-02-24

The member for Araluen today said:
    A starting point for Adam Giles is to apologise for the terrible accusations and allegations he made in the Alice Springs Country Liberal Party Branch meeting on 4 February 2015. He defamed and damaged the reputations of me and many other colleagues. He breached the confidentiality of the parliamentary wing. He needs to apologise without reservation to the Northern Territory Police Force. He needs to apologise to his colleagues for casting aspersions on our credibility and conduct.

    I believe Adam Giles needs to step down from his position and give us all an opportunity to rebuild before we lose everything.

Will you apologise to your colleagues? Will you apologise, unreservedly, to Northern Territory Police, and will you be stepping down from your position?


Madam Speaker, will the member for Fannie Bay apologise to the constituents of eight electorates for not coming into Question Time today and asking anything to do with policy?

Will the two members of PUP apologise for not turning up to Question Time and representing their constituents in Arnhem and Namatjira?

Will you apologise for not asking one question about the effects of the cyclone or the recovery effort?

Will you apologise for not talking about mental health services, like the minister for Mental Health just did? Will you apologise for not talking about how we are reducing the price of fuel in the Territory and what we are doing to reduce the price of houses and units, purchase and rental?

Will you apologise for not talking about how we are protecting children in the Northern Territory, or why you did not turn up at the opening of AACo, with 300 new jobs at the processing facility, let alone the work on all the pastoral properties in the Northern Territory?

Will you apologise for not talking about sport or education?

You seem intent on talking about internal matters. Last week in parliament we learnt a valuable lesson: to not talk about ourselves. Today in Question Time you have only spoken about either yourselves or us.

We have spoken about policy, programs and our plans for the future.

All day today you have talked about internal matters, not about the rest of the Northern Territory. You have not asked one question on the cyclone.

You should apologise to the people of the Northern Territory for your lack of compassion and understanding about issues in the Territory. It is a very poor representation of the opposition and your position as the leader.

Start talking about Territorians. This is a message coming out all around Australia and the Northern Territory.

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker. Standing Order 113: relevance. He has used the word ‘apologise’ a lot, but he did not apologise to the Northern Territory Police.

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order. The Chief Minister has finished.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016