Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-04-28

Can you please outline for the Assembly the exciting investments in Budget 2015-16 to build our all-important tourism industry?


Mr Deputy Speaker, it is good to get this question from the member for Drysdale. It is interesting that the opposition has not asked a question of the Treasurer or me today about how good the budget is, but the member for Drysdale is very keen.

On the day of the budget you would think the opposition would ask a budget-related question of the Treasurer or Chief Minister, but there has been nothing. It is lucky the member for Drysdale is standing up for the Territory.

I am very keen to talk about tourism because it is one of the future economic industries for growth in the Northern Territory. I am sure you are well aware of some of the announcements we have made, but I will run through a few of them.

Not only are we keeping our additional $8m on marketing campaigns, on top of what we normally spend, we are also opening up the Territory to Territorians and tourists by putting $25m into sealing the last remaining 43 km of the Mereenie Inner Loop. We are putting $28.5m on top of our already committed funds into sealing and duplication of Litchfield Park Road, including the new bridge over the lower Finniss River.

We are putting millions of dollars towards an undercover walkway from the cruise ship terminal to the waterfront to provide an increased level of amenity for cruise ship passengers to find their way to the waterfront, the retail sector and the CBD.

We are putting $3m into a small bridge on Gimbat Road – the Kambolgie bridge, in Kakadu. I am sure you know that bridge, Mr Deputy Speaker. Once it is completed, Kakadu will be open for longer in the year, because that is one of the first bridges that floods in the Wet Season. This will support business in Kakadu, tourism and our economy.

As you would be aware, we are trying to grow our tourism industry to $2.2bn by 2020. Already we are seeing a massive turnaround in tourism in the Northern Territory, whether domestic or international. We must continue to maintain a strong path forward.

On top of this, we want to see more regional and remote Territorians become involved in the tourism sector, so we put $4.75m into an infrastructure grant program to assist businesses to develop or redevelop the tourism infrastructure component of their businesses so more tourists can have a higher level of amenity. It also means we can get more Aboriginal Territorians involved in the tourism industry, getting them off welfare and into work.

Make no mistake, the tilt to the tourism industry is coming in the Territory in the next 18 to 24 months. We are investing in it now to make sure the Territory has a strong future in the tourism industry.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016