Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2014-03-18

A year in office, Chief Minister, and you have delivered nothing but pain for your colleagues, not the least the knifing of Terry Mills, which is why Blain is now unrepresented in this parliament. Palmerston residents are suffering under the consequences of your actions. You pretend Tiger Brennan Drive extensions are being delivered by you, when they were agreements nailed by Labor.

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! The question is in breach of Standing Order 112. Imputations, epithets - if you have a censure, bring it on, but do not breach the standing orders in the process.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Port Darwin, sit down.

Ms LAWRIE: Nice attempt to gag. You pretend Palmerston residents are getting a hospital, thanks to you, yet you cannot give an opening date because of project delays by your selection of site. After a catastrophic blackout, you lie about how you will improve the reliability of Power and Water ...

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, please withdraw that.
Move Proposed Motion of Censure

Ms LAWRIE (Opposition Leader): Madam Speaker, I move that so much of standing orders be suspended as would prevent this House from censuring the Chief Minister for lying about the pain his dysfunctional administration has inflicted on Territorians in his first year, including:

increasing Territorians’ power and water bills by thousands of dollars, with more increases to come, while splitting up Power and Water in an effort to fatten it up for sale

ripping $32m out of the pockets of Territorians with increased power and water tariffs

failing to deal with the spiralling cost of living. Under the CLP, Darwin’s cost of living is now the highest in the country

failing to deal with alcohol-related crime, which is up by 12% across the Territory

increasing almost all government charges, including slugging Territorians $5.2m with increased car registration

failing to release new land - the only blocks being developed are those planned and funded under the former Labor government

cutting 130 teachers from our schools and then lying about the numbers, pretending only 35 have been sacked

delaying the Palmerston hospital by choosing an un-serviced site and pretending it will be open in this term

failing the bush with no increased infrastructure, no new projects - unless agreed between previous Labor governments - and job cuts

plans to force children away from their families and communities by scrapping senior education options in the bush

failing Central Australians by refusing to invest in economic stimulation and ignoring businesses which are cutting jobs and closing
failing to secure the future of Nhulunbuy and presiding over the demise of the Territory’s fourth largest town

giving plum jobs and lucrative water deals to your mates

lying about the Labor debt, claiming the projected debt under Labor instead of the actual debt, while you ignore the CLP projected debt of $5.1bn

cutting budgets over Christmas by 10% and then continuing your spending spree, including wasting $100 000 on a private jet so you could attend a photo shoot with Abbott.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, this is the most serious motion an opposition can bring to a House, as it is an attempt to bring down the government. We accept the motion and we anticipate it being debated out today.

I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016