Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2015-09-15

Today the former Prime Minister of this country, Tony Abbott, stood aside after losing the support of his party room. Australia has a new prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and we wish him all the best for the sake of our country. Chief Minister, you have lost the support of your party room. You have lost four of your members to the cross benches. You have lost majority government. What is left of your government is hopelessly divided. I have always been told it is never too late to do the right thing. Will you stand aside for the sake of the Northern Territory? Will you do what all honourable leaders before you have done?


Madam Speaker, today we all asked what Labor would come up with, and that is the depth of it. Well done, Leader of the Opposition, it is good to see that.

I am grateful for this question because it goes to the matter of trust when talking about leadership. Many members in this Chamber, and people around the Northern Territory, will be well aware the member for Karama, the person the Leader of the Opposition knifed for leadership of the Labor Party, has incurred substantial bills in a personal and ill-advised crusade to recover her legal costs from a recent court case.

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. It was a very clear question. The majority of the Chief Minister’s party room voted him out. Will he do the honourable thing and stand aside like former Prime Minister Tony Abbott did today.

Mr GILES: I am sure you promised the member for Johnston he would be your deputy and that did not happen, did it?

The member for Karama is still before the courts and I do not presume to anticipate the court’s decision. However, I seek assurance from the opposition, which goes to heart of the question about trust. Should the court rule that the member for Karama is responsible for her own legal costs, will the Leader of the Opposition give an unambiguous assurance to the House that neither he, nor any of his colleagues, will allow any future Labor government to pay for Karama’s legal costs?

Ms Fyles: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: Honourable members, the Chief Minister is presenting a hypothetical. However, Chief Minister, if you can get back to the answer to the question it would be appreciated.

Mr GILES: Let me refresh the memories of those opposite. The member for Karama was ordered to pay $214 876 in court costs by the NT Supreme Court Justice, Stephen Southwood, after failed court action against Stella Maris Inquiry Commissioner, John Lawler.

The amount was almost all at the cost of the NT government in that case, yet the Leader of the Opposition comes in here speaking about leadership and trust, so that is a fair question.

Will you rule out if ever there is a Labor government and you are the leader …

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. That matter is still before the court. Will you do the honourable thing and stand aside as Tony Abbott has?

Madam SPEAKER: Sit down. It is not a point of order.

Mr GILES: Labor released a little document under the Restoring Integrity to Government reforms, which makes a number of wild assumptions, so my answer goes back to the point …

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. Why will you not answer this question and do the honourable thing by resigning? Your party room voted you out, but you refused to resign.

Mr GILES: In regard to restoring integrity in government, will Labor rule out paying the member for Karama’s legal costs of over $214 000? That is a serious question. Will you rule out paying the Stella Maris legal costs for Delia Lawrie?
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016