Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms WALKER - 2012-11-01

Your government axed the independent Coordinator-General for Remote Services whose job was to put services and spending addressing Indigenous disadvantage under the spotlight. That independent scrutiny has been replaced with the agency CEO working with your razor gang in NT House. It is about you and your priorities. When will you confess to Territorians the Indigenous services you will dump to pay for your unfunded election commitments?


Madam Speaker, this theme certainly has been worked on. I thank the member for her question. What you are missing is our objective is to deliver quality services where they count the most. That is our primary focus and what we are determined to do. We are to ensure our core business is being delivered - serving the best interest of Territorians no matter where they live.

Regarding the previous question asked by the opposition, it is the protection of children. In this case, it is delivering quality services to those who are in remote communities. We have been elected to make decisions - and decisions we make. In the end, people will judge us on the result of those decisions. We enter this in good faith. We make decisions because there has been a change of government. We have, therefore, the responsibility to make the decisions which, ultimately, we will be judged by. We have the confidence to know we make the best decisions we can. Our objective is not in the interest of the organisation, but in what the organisation is there to do - to provide quality services for the recipients - those Territorians who live in remote areas in this case.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016