Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs PRICE - 2012-10-24

Despite the emerging issues around the state of the Territory budget, can you update the House on the progress on your announced policies?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Stuart for her question. Let me be very clear up front: we will deliver on all our election commitments. We have made a commitment, we have promised to be open and accountable, and we will give full account of ourselves.

We went to the people of the Northern Territory in good faith with a very strong and clear five-point plan of action. We set out we would cut waste and reduce the debt inherited from a previous government, tackle crime at its roots, create a three-hub economy, plan for the future, and be accountable to Territorians.

From the very first day, this government got to work. We stopped or put on hold programs which were not working. We began the process of structural change of the public service and took an immediate search party into the budget books to find out what the real story was with the Territory budget because we suspected it was worse than we thought.

On that, early indications from the Renewal Management Board are very disturbing and should be of concern to members on the other side of the Chamber. There are questions which will require an answer from the former Treasurer.

Housing affordability is the biggest challenge we have. We know home ownership rates and the new home build rates have not improved, especially considering the money invested by the previous government. Those schemes added to the problem; they did not solve or reduce it. Consequently, minister Chandler has been working through a new focus on our housing effort and we will hear more about that shortly.

We also took to the people a clear timetable of our 100-day plan. We are getting to work and implementing that plan.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016