Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-10-23

Minister, you stated yesterday you would introduce legislation to enable development of a new, independent EPA. Could you advise where the existing EPA is not already independent? Could you explain what else is wrong with the present EPA? What will be the cost of setting up the new EPA agency considering you have concerns about fiscal discipline and have an expert team conducting a review of Territory finances?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for the question. The efficiencies come with more effective and open decision-making. Previously, the decision-making was excessively slow. This will be at arm’s length and will be conducted in full view of the Territory community.

One thing I want to restore in the Northern Territory is confidence in the systems designed for the community to be engaged in; to have trust decisions are being made in the interests of the Northern Territory not in the interests of a political party, as in the former government. You will see a significant change. Do not underestimate the improvements we will see in productivity and growth in the Northern Territory when addressing our core issues if we have improved decision-making.

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. I asked if the Chief Minister could show where the existing EPA was not already independent.

Mr MILLS: I indicated it is independent. The commission is independent of the minister and provides, in full view, advice for us all to see. The powers the minister once had, which put the minister in the position of adjudicating and, perhaps, slowing down the process, are now completely rested with the commission. That authority now rests with the commission and not the minister, which provides for openness, transparency and clarity over the decision-making, and full accountability as every member will get to know exactly what those deliberations are before a minister has the opportunity to tick or flick on those final decisions.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016