Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2012-10-31

Territory public servants were told their jobs were safe. On the Thursday before the election, on a nationally televised debate, the Chief Minister guaranteed that no public servants would lose their jobs. Through our job website we have been advised that 50 Territorians’ jobs have been axed either through redundancy or temporary contracts being ceased in the Education Department. Can you confirm these numbers are correct and, if so, where have these positions been lost and what are you doing to fill the gaps? Why have you changed your priorities from people to profits?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Fannie Bay for his question. There are positions which have been lost, but through contracts not being renewed, which is what we discussed earlier this morning. Also, there are many Commonwealth government funded positions which were not renewed.

There has been no impact on the front line when it comes to education. The CE of Education, Gary Barnes, has assured me that all positions involved in providing frontline services to students, across the Northern Territory will stay as they are.

We are committed to ensuring that children in the Northern Territory get the best education and training available. We are committed to ensuring that literacy and numeracy levels across the Northern Territory improve. Under the former government they dropped; attendance dropped. We were left with a very bad legacy which we are trying to work through.

There have been some job losses but they are not attributed to the front line. Some contracts have not been renewed, and some Commonwealth government funded positions that have not been renewed.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016