Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STYLES - 2012-10-24

Chief Minister, you have often said the Territory’s best days are ahead but there is an enormous amount of work to do before we get there. What are the challenges facing the Territory?


Madam Speaker, a very good question indeed. The challenges are plain for most to see and we will not shy away from them. What we said during the election campaign we live with every day, and we will work hard every day to deliver on the expectations raised by Territorians choosing to change the government. I thank the member for this question.

The greatest challenge we face is the state of the Territory budget and the cost of living. Recently released figures show the Territory has the most expensive rents in the country. The average cost of renting a house in Darwin is $560 per week and $540 per week for a unit, although recent newspaper articles quote $700 per week for a house in Darwin. The cost of buying a home is so high many people have, unfortunately, decided to pack up and move down south. That is a very serious problem and one we are dealing with.

Ms Lawrie: How?

Mr MILLS: I am glad you have come to the parliament. We are going to explain all that to you.

I talk to many young people who cannot even imagine, let alone dream - it is out of the question; they cannot afford to live here. Many are saying it is great we have big projects like INPEX, and it certainly is, but you have to plan properly. That is what we will be doing. They do not feel …

Ms Lawrie: When?

Mr MILLS: It has only been a couple of months; you had 10 years.

My government will not shy away from the challenge. We are taking action on housing and will be delivering on our promise, make no mistake, of increasing land release and of 2000 new affordable homes for key workers such as apprentices, teachers, nurses and young people. Stay tuned; just watch and you will see it. The biggest challenge of all is the state of the Territory’s finances. My government put in place a Renewable Management Board to get the real state of the Territory budget on the table and provide advice on a way out of the diabolical financial state we are in.

In May …

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Will the Chief Minister table the document he is reading from and we can then get on with Question Time?

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, are you prepared to table the document or are they private papers?

Mr MILLS: I think you know the answer. It is a personal note.

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Continue, Chief Minister.

Mr MILLS: These are important numbers. I do not want to make a mistake on these numbers. I do not want to fudge the figures. I do not want to conceal anything from view. I will tell you what you said and what the facts are.

In May, the projected deficit was $767m. Unfortunately, early indication from the Renewable Management Board shows we are looking …

Members interjecting.

Mr MILLS: Just listen! We are looking at a figure over $900m.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired. Please be seated.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016