Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FINOCCHIARO - 2012-12-04

Can you advise the House of your achievements in the Health portfolio during the first 100 days of the Mills government?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her question. A week or so ago, I announced what many people have described as the most significant change in organisational structure in the department of Health in the history of the Northern Territory.

I pay tribute to the member for Drysdale for her concern and interest in that structural reform, along with so many colleagues from this side of the House. I did not realise so many people had such a deep interest in health matters, but I have been inundated by questions and interest from my colleagues.

Quite amazingly, it should be noted that aside from having a failed Treasurer on the other side, there are also two failed Health ministers. I thought that when one makes an announcement about some major structural reform there would be some interest from some of those failed Health ministers and members on the other side. But, lo and behold, not one single question. It is rather concerning.

The new structure is aimed at delivering better services for Territorians in health and hospitals no matter where they live. In doing that, we did not do what Labor would have done and engage some fancy expensive consultants from interstate to provide some reports, spending a couple of million dollars on something like that.

We talked to Territorians. I got across the Northern Territory, we spoke with stakeholders, senior clinicians, clinicians at the coalface, peak bodies, unions, non-government organisations, private providers, and ordinary people. Do you know what? They all agreed that change was needed. I wonder why the former government did not listen to people in the Territory when it came to delivering health and hospital services.

The system, as it operates currently, is the most centralised health system in Australia by far. When state governments across Australia were reforming their health systems, in the Northern Territory the former government members sat on their hands and did nothing.

There are ongoing consultations, but I outline that these changes will mean much better delivery of services for all Territorians. I thank all those people who consulted with us ...

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016