Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-11-29

The Australia, on 24 November, reported that you have announced approval of agricultural expansion into the Ord River Irrigation Scheme Stage 3. I have been a long-time supporter of the Ord expansion too, but The Australian says you will be fast-tracking this development. Could you explain how you will fast-track Ord Stage 3, considering Stage 2 took many years before Western Australian approval was achieved? How will you fast-track the many environmental, native title, pastoral, geographical, infrastructure and national parks issues which will need to be addressed? How much will the Territory have to contribute? Considering we are in a period of financial discipline, where will that money come from?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. I acknowledge you have been a long-time supporter of this. Perhaps you would have liked to have been at this event which showed an extraordinary level of cooperation which has never been seen on the Western Australian side of the border from our predecessors who now sit on the other side. They were exclusively focused on the northern suburbs and not concerned about the growth and development of the Northern Territory.

Yes, there was an agreement signed - an in-principle agreement that we will take our share of the load in preparation for the extraordinary opportunities presented with Ord Stages 2 and 3. That means, member for Nelson, we take it seriously and recognise the first task is dealing with native title issues.

It is extraordinary the former Labor government, which traded off its special connection to Aboriginal people, paid no effort at all to engaging Aboriginal people to have the opportunity to access something that is providing lasting and monumental significance to the people on the other side of the border. The only difference is there is a different government on the other side of the border, now there is a different government on this side of the border, and we are working with traditional people on both sides of the border to clear that important matter before we can make any progress.

How it is going to work, member for Nelson, is there will be a high level of coordination. The Chief Minister will ensure there is a full coordination and a focus of this government on achieving these objectives.

The second part is to maintain strong connections between the Commonwealth, Western Australia and the Northern Territory - a special unit is to be actively involved in all the discussions and negotiations to demonstrate we are taking this seriously.

In relation to cost, recognise that our commitment is to grow the Northern Territory economy and that is why this has special importance to the people in that region, and it will have benefits right across the top of the Territory.

In relation to focusing of those resources, there will be assistance required from the Commonwealth. We would not get that assistance if we did not take our own financial affairs seriously, as we are, so we can stand up as an equal in the Commonwealth and argue for the support that would come from the Commonwealth. By presenting ourselves as we did the other day we demonstrated we are serious, we are acting like a state, we are developing strong plans which could be properly supported, and are serious about the long-term future of the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016