Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CONLAN - 2016-04-20

Can the minister please update the House on the significant advancements the Country Liberal government has achieved in forging and developing relationships with our neighbouring Asian countries as part of our plan to create a prosperous Territory economy?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Greatorex for this very important question. The Country Liberal government has a vision, unlike those on the other side, to ensure Darwin becomes the pre-eminent supply and service hub of our region by 2020. Our Asian Engagement, Trade and Investment strategy plays a critical role in our plan to diversify the economy. That is a very important point. We have to diversify and we have a great plan to do so. We set strategic goals to lift exports and increase foreign investment.

We are delivering on this plan with a number of new key initiatives. This month I had the honour of hosting landmark talks in Parliament House with ambassadors and high commissioners from nine of the Northern Territory’s closest neighbouring countries. It was the first time a gathering of such high-ranking representatives from the Asian nations, including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, had ever come together in the Northern Territory.

The talks were extremely positive and encouraging for the future, and more positive developments will come from the first ever NT Red Carpet Investor Forum, held earlier this week, which attracted many Asian investors with an interest in the NT.

Next week the government will have an emphasis on Asian engagement through the inaugural Open Territory business investment forum. On Wednesday Trade and Development ministers from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines will convene a full BIMP-EAGA – which is the acronym for those countries – ministerial trade meeting in Darwin.

The CLP has successfully re-engaged with the group which, left abandoned by Labor when it came to government, closed all its offices and sacked the representatives overseas.

On Friday we will work closely with the Chamber of Commerce NT to deliver the first ever regional Australia-Asia Chambers Forum. It will convene Chamber of Commerce representatives from across the nation and Asia in Darwin to talk about real business opportunities and highlight the government’s commitment to work together with private enterprise.

Coinciding with all this, we will capitalise on the international and interstate presence. The Territory government and the Chamber of Commerce NT are delivering a two-day expo on Friday and Saturday.

We are achieving significant advancements in this vital area of Asian engagement, all while battling an Opposition Leader whose ineptitude is creating an environment of uncertainty. He is creating sovereign risk, driving investment away – he has already driven investment away – and is risking the education of our children and grandchildren by shutting down onshore gas and the resulting royalties we have already committed to education and training. The Opposition Leader cannot see past the next election.

Madam Speaker, the Country Liberals government is delivering a plan to secure a prosperous future for all Territorians, and it is obvious that the Opposition Leader is a man without a vision …

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016