Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2013-05-16

Budget 2013-14 has been well received. Can you advise the House of some of the responses?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. He is obviously paying attention to what the community is saying about the budget.

The most telling response came from Moody’s. They said in an announcement:
    The government’s ongoing efforts to improve the PWC and return it to a self-supporting status through increases in tariffs - although at a pace slower than that announced in the mini-budget - as well as efforts to improve expenditure controls through the creation of a Budget Monitoring Committee of Cabinet will be key to achieving fiscal improvements.
That is what Moody’s said about our budget. We are on track to improve fiscal balance in the Northern Territory and that is really the aim of the budget. The other aim, of course, was to grow the economy.

The Master Builders Association said in the newspaper yesterday that the budget was responsible and the $270m upgrade for new housing across the Territory would help a great deal. Mr Kemp said he was particularly pleased to see the $28.6m boost for land release, including at Palmerston east, and the $27m focus on affordable housing over the next four years.

I pay tribute to my colleague, the Minister for Housing. He is doing a fantastic job in this area. We recognise the importance of housing in the Northern Territory.

On ABC radio yesterday Toni Vine Bromley, from NT Shelter, said the investment we are talking about around potentially selling some public housing and reinvesting in more is certainly a welcome sign. Again, well done, Minister for Housing.

The Law Society Northern Territory, which I did not believe would be a fan of ours, said in the paper it welcomed funding to build a stand-alone youth justice court in Darwin and increase the court’s capacity in Alice Springs. Well done to the Attorney-General for pushing through those reforms.

We are keen on tourism. The Transport and Tourism Forum Acting Chief Executive, Trent Zimmerman, said the funding was vital for the Territory’s ongoing marketing efforts.

He also said on ABC radio yesterday:
    The government’s commitment of an initial $7.5m for tourism marketing in the NT will take their total funding to $54.2m, helping it to develop targeted partnerships aimed at increasing international visitor numbers.

We are getting ringing endorsements right around the community for our fiscal responsibility and for providing responsible action on the level of debt and spending the former Labor government was prepared to put the Territory into. It is a great budget welcomed by many.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016