Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2015-11-18

Yesterday the Treasurer claimed the Speaker was to blame for chaos in your government when he said:
    They do not want a bunch of Independents and a riffraff Labor Party backed by a dodgy Speaker creating chaos.

You added your support for the Treasurer’s comments when you said:
    The member for Fong Lim spoke about elements of chaos in parliament. This continues to make the parliament a laughing stock.

When will you stop the delusion and accept that you and the behaviour of your government are making the Territory a laughing stock. Will you finally take responsibility for the chaos and incompetence of your government?


Madam Speaker, I will not be commenting on the debate from yesterday. The member for Goyder is the Speaker of parliament and she bears my full support. Yesterday was yesterday; today is the next day. She still has my full support.

Ms Fyles: It was actually today.

Mr GILES: Overnight, call it what you will. I said in a debate recently that we need to lift the level of debate and provide Territorians a higher level of respect and courtesy about the way we represent them in this Chamber. I think this is the fifth question by the opposition today. There has not been one question on policy or performance. I do not know if the rest of the Territory wants to know what the potential alternate government’s policies are.

You came forward with a motion to try to roll government on 1 December, but you do not present a policy platform of what Labor stands for. We reflect on what Labor achieved over eleven-and-a-half years. I have to say it is pretty slim and shady. There is not much there from eleven-and-a-half years. Yet you do not talk about policy today.

I have just listened to the Minister for Business talk about economic opportunities and opportunities for all Territorians with the North East Gas Interconnector. One thing the Minister for Business did not mention is what will happen with the royalties from the natural gas drilling industry, which are estimated to be around $960m between the years 2020 and 2040.

The gas industry is finite because there is only so much gas. The best thing we can do with those royalties is invest in Territorians and give them the best education. My team and I want the Territory to be the smart state. Every dollar from onshore gas drilling royalties will go towards VET and higher education, making it cheaper and easier for Territorians to study and get access to the best education in Australia in the Northern Territory. That is up to $960m of additional money going into VET and higher education over 20 years to support Territorians going forward. That is a policy you can put in your back pocket.


Madam SPEAKER: Honourable members, I advise of the presence in the west gallery of the young Indigenous leaders from the Learning on Country Program, which is run in schools in Arnhem Land, accompanied by Shane Bailey. On behalf of honourable members, welcome to Parliament House and I hope you enjoy your time here.

Members: Hear, hear!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016