Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MILLS - 2012-11-29

Madam Speaker, during Question Time I took a question on notice from the shadow minister for police, fire and emergency services. As there is no question before the House, I seek leave to answer that question.

Leave granted.

Mr MILLS: The question related to the closure of Warruwi, which is the Goulburn Island Police Station. I offer this as a response.

Only one officer was located at the Warruwi community and, to date, no applicants have been received for the other vacancy. Due to operational requirements, that officer has been relocated to Ramingining. Arrangements have been made for police from Jabiru and Oenpelli to attend Warruwi on 6 and 7 December. Arrangements are also being made to provide a fortnightly or weekly presence depending on resources. That is for two police to attend for two days, staying overnight.

Any urgent calls for police assistance or response will be responded to fro Jabiru or Oenpelli in the first instance, depending on the nature of the report and the capacity to charter aircraft to respond. If the situation is such that they are unable to respond, then the divisional officer will put other measures in place using resources from other areas. The local GEC has been advised and will be contacted by Oenpelli and Jabiru police when they are scheduled to patrol Warruwi so that the community is aware. This will allow them to have prior knowledge to do things such as MVR. There are currently police officers at Warruwi as part of the community patrols.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016