Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs PRICE - 2013-03-26

Could you outline your reasons for making minimal changes to this Cabinet upon becoming Chief Minister and why you abolished the portfolio of Indigenous affairs?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Stuart for her very good question. There is no doubt people had concerns with the way things were going and with ministerial changes. It had an effect on morale in our team, in the public service, and the broader Northern Territory. We have sought to make changes to give confidence to Territorians, the government, and our team. We want an era of stability.

We have put forward the best Cabinet we can. We have people in key positions. We have tried to make minimal changes in portfolio responsibilities so we can send the message that we are united and fighting for Territorians. That is the way we are going. We are trying to provide confidence in the bureaucracy which delivers our policy intent, and are trying to restore confidence in Territorians.

Member for Stuart, you asked about the Indigenous affairs portfolio. Yes, I decided to abolish it. I have always been passionate about Indigenous affairs. I have and will continue to fight hard, as I know you and every person in the wing and our Cabinet does. It is important this government recognises every Territorian for who they are.

A third of the Territory’s population is Indigenous. Much of the business we do is for Indigenous Territorians and non-Indigenous Territorians. We do not want to run a secular, separatist model. We want to serve for every person in the Northern Territory.

I note the critique by opposition members who say we have turned our backs, and all the silly media releases they are issuing talking with their heads chopped off. It is interesting to look back on their term and the Indigenous affairs portfolio. You could not get kids to school, people into work, or Indigenous health outcomes. You had the local governance models wrong and were not building roads in the bush. You did not get telecommunications right. Economic development was not working. You did not even achieve outcomes when you had a portfolio. We have taken the job on for us all and will deliver for every Territorian. We are not running separatism here, we stand up for everybody.

I will continue my passion in a whole range of fields, one of which includes Indigenous affairs. I have spoken to every person in the team, whether in Cabinet or the wing, and they all want to fight for every Territorian not just 70%, not just 30% - everybody. That is the government I will lead. We are leading for everybody while we repay your debt.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016