Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2014-03-18

In February this year, Mr Michael Halkitis wrote a letter to your department. In that letter, he stated when he was working at Elcho Island and was ordered by a building company to start demolishing a house. He said he and other labourers were directed to break asbestos with their bare hands. He went on to say he was not provided with any safety equipment or proper protective clothing. These are serious allegations. What has your department done in relation to these allegations and what has been the outcome of any investigation your department has held on this matter?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for his question. I am not aware of the letter, but I will have my department get back to you. There is a Northern Territory inter-agency asbestos management working group, chaired by Mr David McHugh who is the Chief Executive of the Department of Infrastructure. I am sure the issue you have raised will be discussed at the next meeting on 28 March this year.

The working group’s functions include the examination of asbestos management-related policies and procedures. If what you say is true, there has been a breach and something will have to be done about it. It is to inform and shape the Territory’s position regarding the Australian government’s National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Awareness and Management. If it is alleged someone has been instructed to break asbestos, the matter needs to be investigated and I will have my department get back to me …

Mr Tollner: It is being investigated by NT WorkSafe.

Mr STYLES: I have just been informed by the Treasurer it is being investigated by NT WorkSafe. I am sure between both departments we can get an answer back to you. At the last meeting on 29 November 2013, the working group endorsed the Northern Territory government’s asbestos management policy. NT WorkSafe is enforcing it; breaches need to be investigated and whatever results from the investigation needs to take place. I have also instructed an audit to be conducted to qualify the current status of Northern Territory government agencies’ asbestos management plans and registers. There is a working group and the membership invitations were extended to the department of Local Government, the Power and Water Corporation and the Darwin Port Corporation.

Stakeholder agencies continue to refine their understanding of the issues around asbestos management and define their respective policies and legislative responsibilities. The issue on the islands is waste disposal; key policies and procedures remain regarding the effective and efficient waste disposal of asbestos material. Significant volumes have been identified to be transported and disposed of interstate, and until we resolve all asbestos removal, they will continue to impact on project budgets.

The Northern Territory asbestos removal work is funded through the R&M program, and the Department of Community Services is the lead agency for asbestos removal in remote community, non-government assets and may be part of the investigation. We will get an answer to the member for Nelson.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016