Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-05-15

The mining industry has slammed your budget. They said you are not open for business. Yesterday, Drew Wagner, Executive Director of the NT division of the Minerals Council of Australia, said:
    The NT government has campaigned that mining is one of the Territory’s three economic hubs. It seems this was just spin.

What analysis have you undertaken to assess the potential of your new mining taxes to cost jobs? Will you release this analysis? If you have not conducted any such analysis, how could you be so incompetent? Will you commit to undertaking one before imposing these new taxes on this industry which is critically important to regional economic development? Will you back down and agree to consult with the mining industry and undertake analysis of the potential impact on jobs on the exploration side, which is obviously critical, and the production side?


Madam Speaker, how pleasant a change it is to get a question from the opposition. It has taken until 10.55 am today to finally get a question from the opposition on the budget.

Ms Lawrie: Will you answer it?

Mr TOLLNER: The Opposition Leader’s question relates to the new revenue measures we have proposed for the mining sector. These revenue measures simplify the process; they cut red tape and reduce accounting cost. We need $10.6m to assist us in repaying some of Labor’s debt and to work towards fiscal balance in 2016-17.

I quote from the oil and gas industry, which has written in the NT News.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: What is your Standing Order?

Ms LAWRIE: Standing Order 113: relevance. Have they undertaken any analysis of the potential impact this new levy and tax will have on the mining sector? If so, will they provide that analysis?

Madam SPEAKER: The Treasurer is answering the question.

Mr TOLLNER: Of course the Treasury has provided an analysis. We would not have put it forward otherwise …

Ms Lawrie: Table it.

Mr TOLLNER: That is something that Labor governments did. As I was saying, the oil and gas industry welcomed the budget in the NT News. It is pleased with the additional $9.1m in funding for the Department of Mines and Energy.

I understand the reaction of the Minerals Council; it was probably a kneejerk reaction. When you look at the budget as a whole, it is clear we are putting significant resources into the mining sector. Of course, that is one-hub of our three-hub economy, and we are committed to growing the mining sector. As the Chief Minister said, we have granted major project status to Sherwin Iron Ore and Vista Gold and we have the Australian Ilmenite mine already producing. This is not a sector on its knees in the Northern Territory. This is a sector we are promoting and trying to grow.

I will also mention there has been an enormous amount of support from different associations across the Territory. The Master Builders Association said the budget was responsible and the $270m upgrade …

Ms WALKER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance, 113. This is not about the wider community; this is specifically about the mining sector. I ask that the Treasurer answers the question.

Madam SPEAKER: The Treasurer is answering the question.

Mr TOLLNER: This is about the mining industry and this is about the support we are giving business across the board. As I started to say, the Master Builders Association said this was a responsible budget and the $270m upgrade for new housing across the Territory would help a lot. Mr Kemp said he was particularly pleased to see the $28.6m boost for land release at Palmerston east and the $27m focus on affordable housing over the next four years.

If you want to grow industries, including the mining industry, you need to house them somewhere. This is where the previous government failed.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister you time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016